Chi Balancing Center

David Riddle
Akashic Blueprint Integration℠, Reiki, Crystal Healing
David is a Reiki Master/Teacher. As a former Workshop Coordinator at a Chicago metaphysical bookstore, he was able to meet and train under many types of healers.
In 1998 I found a unique blend of healing with the Akashic Records and Reiki. Ever since, I have used Akashic Blueprint Integration℠ in thousands of sessions as a healing technique. The Akashic Records is known to hold all information of the universe from the past, present and future, but it also holds the energetic vibrations of each person. By connecting to the Akashic Blueprint of my clients, the healing energy of the Akashic Records is brought forward to help them move through whatever situation ails them. This could be Physical, Mental or Emotional. Akashic Blueprint Integration℠ is a unique process of using the Akashic Records because of the connection which has been created between the client and their energy body. The vibrational energy of the Akashic Records helps those clients regain their true balance.
Sarah Garcia interviewed me for the Awakened Series she on her Facebook page. I am grateful to have had this opportunity to tell my story of how I found healing for myself and the unique type of healing I bring to my clients.
After my first healing in 1997, I was divinely led to leave my corporate job. This intuitively set me up to work with a crystal vendor over the summer and then led me to a metaphysical bookstore where I was in charge of workshops. Then I met so many healers and teacher from across the country. Within 16 months of leaving the Chicago Board Options Exchange, I was using Reiki and the Akashic Records as a unique form of energy work. This is my story….
On January 6, 2020 I was interviewed on the Natural Healing Show for UK Health Radio by the Host Catherine Carrigan who is also a Medical intuitive healer and bestselling author.
It was nice to talk to a fellow healer about the Akashic Records, karma, past lives, healing and other interests.
I was blessed with short interview by NBR FM Radio New York. They reached out for a talk about my history as a healer and use of Akashic Blueprint Integration (Akashic Energywork back then) as an energy healing method. It was a great experience to be able to explain this type of healing. Energy healing is becoming more and more accepted. An interview of on this topic was basically unheard of back when I started over 22 years ago. Reiki and other forms of energy healing was not well known. Now when I pass out information or talk about it, many people are more knowledgeable and interested. The world is definitely waking up and experiencing the wonderful effects of energy balancing.
David Riddle NBR FM Interview
The following is a 2011 article written by Lisa Browdy from the local paper Wednesday Journal/ The focus of the article is what the Akashic Energywork℠ sessions are about. It was great to have that opportunity. Back then my office was in River Forest but is now in Oak Park. It was really great that my teacher the Akashic Records, Linda Howe, was also included. She resides in Oak Park.